I used AI to analyze presidential speeches... I was surprised

I used AI to analyze presidential speeches... I was surprised
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Thumbnail Analysis

  • Prominent Figures: The inclusion of two recognizable political figures immediately attracts attention and adds a sense of importance or relevance.
  • Clear Text: The text 'A.I. analyzes their words' is bold and clear, making it immediately obvious what the video entails without needing to read the title.
  • Expressive Middle Figure: The person in the middle uses a thumbs-up gesture, which adds a sense of positivity or assurance about the analysis.
  • Contrasting Emotions: The serious expressions of the political figures contrast with the more neutral or curious expression of the person in the middle, creating a dynamic visual.
  • Title Relation: The title directly complements the thumbnail by echoing the idea of using AI for analysis and hints at unexpected findings, piquing curiosity and encouraging clicks.

Historical Data


i used ai to analyze presidents
i used ai to analyze presidential speeches
i asked ai to analyze presidents
i asked ai to analyze presidents speeches
i asked ai to analyze presidents words
i asked ai to compare presidents
i asked ai to compare presidential words
i asked ai to compare presidential speeches
i used ai to compare presidents
ai analyzes trump's speech
ai analyzes biden's speech


In this video we're going to be looking at presidential inaugural speeches to see which are more positive and negative. We can plot these over time, contrast political parties, analyze re-election spe...

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