I Built 4 Rental Duplexes. Here Are My Real Costs to the Penny! (Real Estate Development Case Study)

I Built 4 Rental Duplexes. Here Are My Real Costs to the Penny! (Real Estate Development Case Study)
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Thumbnail Analysis

  • Visual Appeal: The thumbnail image displays a clear, professional photo of real estate properties and interiors, emphasizing the subject matter of building duplexes.
  • Use of Text: The bold text 'I Built 4 Duplexes' in red and 'Here Are My Real Costs To The Penny!' in green stands out and indicates excitement and transparency. Colors are used effectively to draw attention.
  • Success Story: Showcasing completed properties with images of both the exterior and interior provides a visual success story, which might attract viewers interested in real estate achievements.
  • Presence of a Person: Including a person in the thumbnail gives the image a personal touch, which can increase relatability and engagement.
  • Professional Insight: The title and visuals suggest a detailed case study, promising in-depth, valuable content for viewers interested in real estate development.
  • Consistency with Title: The images of the duplexes directly relate to the title's mention of building duplexes and emphasizing costs, reinforcing the video’s topic as informative and experience-based.

Historical Data


how to build a duplex
real estate development
how to become a real estate developer
new construction
build to rent
commercial investing
rehab valuator
daniil kleyman
building houses
new build rentals
how to build duplexes
rental duplex
how to value land
land deals


I built 4 brand new rental duplexes (each duplex has 2 apartments). In this video I am showing you my exact costs and how they are broken out! Land Due Diligence Checklist: https://RehabValuator.co...

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